If you know any more games we might have missed do let us know. These were the Top 15 pirate games every gamer who loves pirates has to play. Must Read: Top 10 Fishing Simulation Games pirates might like. This game however is entirely dedicated to pirates, unlike black flag that had an assassin templar mix added to it. Check out the gameplay and let me know what you think in the comments below. Although the stories are different the gameplay and the graphics will remind you of a lot of Black Flag’s pirate systems. The reason for the high praise is that it’s the unofficial successor to the Assassin Creed Black Flag. Then you might be wondering why I am singing its praises. It’s scheduled to be released next year and due to some issues has been postponed by Ubisoft. The reason it’s on rank 15 is that it’s not going to release this year. This my dear readers is the true best pirate game ever made. Nonetheless Rogue has made its way to the top 3 pirate games in the world according to us. The game is no doubt amazing compared to other games on the list but compared to the black flag many people felt that it lacked the wow factor. You are able to roam the North Atlantic and inland rivers with new naval weapons, warfare, and the added danger of the Assassin’s, trying to hunt you down. We are then forced to hunt the assassins in order to help the templars.

You get to play as Shay Cormac, a former Assassin who ends siding with their Templars. Thus the game ended up receiving a mixed review overall. The only place it fell behind was innovation since the game felt quite similar to the black flag. It has amazing graphics and gameplay that made assassin creed community ecstatic. It had a great storyline and was loved by many. Just like Assassin Creed Black Flag, Assassin Creed Rogue also was based on naval fights and pirates. Platforms Available: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One There are a number of other things like fishing, treasure hunting, and sailing around the world that you can do in Sea of Thieves. You can also take part in a solo adventure with a small ship, or you can hop in with your friends with a medium or large ship. You can purchase stuff like clothes, weapon skins, tool skins, and ship skins. You can then use the gold for upgrading your equipment. Eventually, if you keep doing the same hoarder voyages, then you level up in that section, which then you get more gold. You are given these missions by hoarders who are either a gold hoarder, a skull hoarder, or a crate hoarder. The goal of the game just like most pirate games is to get gold through voyages, which are missions that you do. You get to choose from a huge variety of characters and the game is originally meant to be played online with your friends. This game is one of the most fun games to play with your friends. The best part is the pirate fights that make you truly feel like a pirate king. The character development of Edward Kenway, a pirate-cum-assassin makes the player explore the story even further even if you are new to the assassin’s creed franchise. Apart from being one of the most amazing Pirate games ever made, black flag also has amazing parkour type movement mechanics which make running through the city a lot more fun and easy.
You can always upgrade your pirate ship to make it stronger so that it can easily sail the harsh seas. You get to own a pirate ship and make your own crew. Black Flag has amazing graphics and an equally intense pulling storyline. The game was very well received by the assassin creed community. This was the first and most impressive pirate game made by Ubisoft in the Assassin Creed Series.

Platforms Available: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Wii U, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One