This can be used to achieve such effects as lightmapping, detail texturing, specular highlights and a host more. Multitexturing allows you to apply up to 8 layers of texture to an entity. Brushes offer a wide range of effects such as tinting, multitexturing and specular highlights. You can control the color, range and 'cone' of lights with ease.īlitz3D makes extensive use of the idea of brushes to color, texture and otherwise manipulate the appearance of entities. Multiple cameras are also no problem - simply use CreateCamera as many times as you want!īlitz3D offers directional lights, point lights and spot lights. Sprites can be setup to automatically orient themselves to face the camera, giving the illusion of a spherical object, but without the overhead of drawing a ton of polygons.īlitz3D cameras offer the programmer direct control over viewport, zoom, clipping range, fog effects and even offer an isometric mode. Sprites are simply textured 2D rectangles - easy to setup and great for things like particle effects, heads-up-displays and so on. Blitz3D terrains can also be modified in realtime - great for blowing holes in things! This completely automatic process works by picking a set of polygons which approximates the shape of a very high resolution heightmap.

Blitz3D meshes provide features such as vertex colors and multiple texture coordinate sets.īlitz3D terrains can be used to generate apparently HUGE scenes! This is achieved through a trick known as LOD (level-of-detail) reduction.
Gamesalad vs stencyl software#
B3D exporters are available for a wide range of modelling software including 3D Studio, Lightwave and Truespace. The B3D format is unique to Blitz3D, and has been designed to provide for all the features of the Blitz3D engine. Blitz allows you to either create your own meshes from scratch, or load existing meshes in either X, 3DS or B3D format. Meshes are the workhorse of any 3D engine. This means that the same commands can be used to manipulate and deal with a wide range of 3D objects - for example, the TurnEntity command can be used to turn a camera, a light, a mesh, or even a massive terrain! In Blitz3D, these are all considered to be entities. Typically, a 3D game will consist of many types of 3D elements such as cameras, lights, meshes and so on.
Gamesalad vs stencyl license#
And soon as it's for medical or disaster prep it's seen as license to overcharge.If you've been yearning to create games but have been frustrated by the complexity of programming languages such as C++ or Java, you've come to the right place!īlitz3D provides a simple yet powerful environment for game creation - simple, because its based around the popular and easy to use BASIC programming language and powerful, thanks to a highly optimized underlying 2D/3D engine.īlitz3D includes many commands to help you out with game creation - but not too many! Rather than confuse you with tons of commands, Blitz3D's command set has been carefully designed to provide maximum flexibility for minimum effort.īlitz3D is designed around the idea of entities.

Maybe Unity would be interested in collaborating with you to create a technical demo for the new Unity GUI, Kinect, and UMA around some future release of Unity? If you are working with a big hospital or iR&D company you really need to see if you can't get help from Microsoft as I think the entire field of medicine, rehab, disaster readiness and training are severely neglected on consoles.

Would a Android/iOS/Windows Phone app work in that situation? The Kinect would mostly be console. I remember one of my friend's mother carried a suitcase with her on one side of her body to strengthen and balance her body after a stroke.
Gamesalad vs stencyl code#
If you don't have a huge amount of code yet I'd recommend working together with a stroke rehab specialist about using Kinect, Unity, and stroke rehab exercises. Click to expand.If this involves massive amounts of physics code ported from another platform to Ogre porting to Unity will be easier.